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How do I adjust my halter?

licol cuir gravé


Le licol est un élément de style mais aussi un élément de sécurité. Que ce soit à l’attache, durant un transport, ou tout simplement pour mener le cheval en main, il est un lien souvent indispensable entre le cavalier et son cheval.

As the halter rests on the horse's head, it is important that the halter is comfortable for the horse and does not cause any pain when the horse or rider makes sudden movements that put stress on the halter. That's why it's important to choose the right size, so that it can be adjusted correctly. A badly adjusted halter is also likely to break more easily, as the pressure points are poorly distributed.

Choisir la bonne taille de son licol

At Smart Wag, our halters have double adjustment on the headpiece, as well as adjustment possibilities on the noseband and underlay. The only parts that will not vary in size are the uprights between the noseband and the headstall. It is therefore essential to choose the right size en fonction de la longueur de la tête du cheval. Pour prendre connaissances des mesures de nos licols, vous pouvez les retrouver sur le guide des tailles.

Le bon réglage du licol de son cheval

Une fois la bonne taille choisie, il faudra s’assurer de bien régler son licol. En effet un licol trop serré comprimera les tissus de la tête du cheval, qui est particulièrement sensible car innervée en surface. 
Un licol au contraire , réglé trop large, sera instable donc gênant, et risquera de faire tomber la muserolle sur l’os nasal si la têtière est réglée trop longue. Cette même raison risquerait aussi de dévier la têtière sur l’encolure, au niveau des premières cervicales, alors que sa place initiale est au niveau de l’atlas du cheval. Cela entrainerait des douleurs à la pression , mais aussi rendrait floues les demandes du cavalier avec la longe. 

Comment vérifier qu’un licol est bien réglé ?

Pour bien régler son licol , on peut vérifier plusieurs points :

  1. Adjusting the noseband.
  2. Le positionnement de la muserolle
  3. Le positionnement de la têtière

Les points de repère

  • La muserolle : It must be possible to pass a hand through between the horse's trough and the noseband. The noseband should be positioned approximately two fingers (1.5cm) from the horse's zygomatic process. The headpiece can be adjusted to allow variations in the height of the noseband.
  • Les montants : They must not touch the zygomatic process. The loop which connects them to the headstall must rest on the cheek and must not under any circumstances be lodged on the horse's parotid gland.
  • La têtière :  Properly adjusted, it doesn't slip around the first cervical vertebrae. It stays behind the ears, level with the atlas. Whether it is straight or 'anatomically' shaped, it will be chosen according to the horse's morphology. Between a straight or curved headpiece, there is no universal formula for a horse's comfort. It all depends on the horse's morphology.

The last word.

Choosing the right size is essential when buying your halter, but adjusting it should never be an optional extra. A properly adjusted halter will give you and your horse better communication, greater comfort and therefore greater safety.

So don't forget to check regularly that your halter is properly adjusted at the headstall, underlay and noseband to ensure that you and your horse enjoy a more relaxed time together.

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